Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Watermelon Picnic

I am so excited! My online order of Watermelon Picnic by Gymboree finally arrived yesterday!! I couldn't get the package open fast enough and my daughter was just as excited over it as I was! Let me just say that nothing from this purchase disappointed me. Everything is so cute and I managed to get all of the sizes right. If you don't know already, the skorts and cotton shorts I sized down on and I sized up one on the sale tshirts, the watermelon dress and the knee length skirt.

This is what my princess will be wearing today once she wakes up...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mermaid Magic by Gymboree

Here are the things we bought from Mermaid Magic when it came out a few weeks ago. I may get a few more things, but I am trying so hard to cut back. It's difficult, especially since my daughter loves mermaids!!

Don't you just LOVE this dress?!?!
The quality brings me back to how
Gymboree used to be.
And these ruffle tanks are so stinkin' cute!
I am loving the periwinkle blue in this line!

Waiting for Watermelons

OK, well it's still going to be a few days before my online order of Gymboree's watermelon picnic arrives, so I thought I would post what I am waiting on from Mr. UPS man. I can not wait 'til they finally get here! The wait is nearly impossible to stand! Maybe I should not have ordered these items online?

I think this dress is going to be my favorite this summer...with the blue Mermaid Magic mermaid dress running right behind it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Daisy Days for a rainy day

Today is going to be rainy and horrible all day, so for a little cheering up it's daisiess today! Of course the little princess won't be up 'til about 7:30am, so photos of her actually wearing todays pick will have to wait until then.

Here is a quick preview. It's from Gymboree's 2008 Daisy Days line. Sorry, there's no photo on this computer of the jewelry she will be wearing with it. The daisy flower clip that I made for her will be used to just sweep her bangs up out of her face.

Determined to Organize

I need to find a better way to organize all of my little girls accessories! It's turning into complete madness in her bedroom.

As can be seen from these pictures, she has way too much for just one little girl and these pictures are from about 3 months ago. They don't include all of the new purses, sunglasses and jewelry that Gymboree has released since then that we have added to this collection. Oh, and the new bows that I made to match all of those new outfits are not shown here either.
I have been researching the web looking for storage and organizing solutions that will work for this. Once I have some success, I will post some new photos. I am sure other moms out there are having the same problems as me as far as that the storage issue goes.

Here are a few more photos of just how bad it really is....

Some of the hair bows

Some of her purses

Her winter hats, scarfs and gloves with some of her vests below that in her closet
Behind her bedroom door is even crammed with stuff, too!

Monday, June 8, 2009

What we bought to wear for July 4th

Every year, we travel to Long Island to celebrate the 4th of July with family. It's a big ocassion here since my soon to be 16 year olds birthday is also July 4th. This is what my youngest will be wearing for the ocassion. Again, the hair bows I made. Her hair will be in low pigtails and she will be wearing the cowboy hat....which she LOVES along with the boots!

Her Father's Day Outfit

I love this shirt...."My heart belongs to daddy". This is what my youngest will be wearing this Father's Day....Everything is Gymboree, of course, except for the hair bows that I made. Pics will be posted when she wears it.

My Gymboree Shopping Addiction

When my last little princess was born back in 2004, her closet was all Carters and Oshkosh. They had the cutest stuff and I never walked in to a Gymboree store until I heard that Oshkosh sold out to Carters. That’s when the Gymboree addiction started...spring of 2006.

At first, I started buying three or four outfits from each line they would release. Little by little, it was more and more that I was loving AND coming home with. Within just a few short months, my little girls closet was completely transformed. It was 99% Gymboree and about 1% of dresses from other boutique brands. It remains that way still today.

Did I mention how I fell head over heels in love with Gymboree? ~Smiles~

I often wonder if it takes other moms as long to decide what their little princess will wear each day. I typically take a good 15 to 20 minutes or more picking out each days attire...the outfit itself, the perfectly matching hair bows (Yes, I make them all myself!), the jewelry, the shoes, stockings or socks, the matching purse and even matching panties.

When it comes to having that much of a selection to pick from, it’s difficult. At least that is what I tell my hubby when he tries to rush me. :) To be honest, I have many favorites hanging in my little girls closet and that just makes it so much harder to pick just one!

And now I wonder what is it going to be like deciding once my online order from the newest Watermelon Picnic line finally gets here? (My favorite summer line to date from this year!) That’s another 10 outfits and then 3 more Mermaid Magic outfits...and all of those matching accessories. I am sure I will have the hair bows and clippies made within a day to match of getting my order.